Gaspe Polyvalent School

Gaspe Polyvalent School sits at the center of Gaspe town with a spectacular view of where Gaspe Bay and the York River meet.  Our school is situated within the C E Pouliot Polyvalent building allowing for meaningful exchanges between the French and English students.  With a current enrollment of 112 students, our teachers are able to provide differentiated instruction and make connections with our students.  Given our small school community, our team and students benefit from a close knit feeling where everyone is important.  We work together, guided by the Quebec Education Program and our own Education Plan to ensure student success.

Mission:  At GPS, our students acquire a meaningful education for diverse futures.

Vision:  Our learners are an integral part of our community.  We strive to empower them with the tools necessary to achieve their goals and make dynamic contributions to a global society.


Citizenship – contributing through empathy, compassion and respect to society using communication and collaboration.
Integrity – holding oneself accountable for respectful, honest, authentic actions
Perseverance – working with commitment to attaining goals

Our Team

Principal: Shauna Simpson
Staff Assistant:
Cheryl Percey

85, Boulevard de Gaspé
Gaspé (QC) G4X 2T8