School Taxes

Transfer your school taxes to Eastern Shores School Board

Did you know that when you purchase a home or land, your school taxes are sometimes automatically registered with a French Service Center? If you want to transfer your school taxes to Eastern Shores School Board, please fill out the Tax Transfer form. Send the form to the Taxation department via email, fax or mail. The contact information is in the form.

General Information


Important Dates
Mailing Date: August 12, 2024
First payment due date: September 12, 2024
Second payment due date: December 11, 2024

Methods of payment

1. Through most financial institutions; or
2. Cheque/money order mailed to the address on cashier’s stub; or
3. Through the Internet by using the 20-digit reference number that starts with 0507
4. No payments will be accepted at the school board offices.
5. Mortgage creditor: the owner must remit the invoice to their mortgage Company / Bank for payment


School Tax

School taxes are calculated using the Standardized Assessment (municipal evaluation multiplied by the standardized factor) of properties. Municipal evaluations are obtained from the municipal rolls and appear on your municipal tax bills.
Section 315: School taxes are payable 31 days from the sending of the tax bill. School taxes are payable in a single payment. However, if the school tax is equal to or greater than $300.00, the debtor may choose to pay it in two equal payments. The second payment is payable 121 days after the sending of the tax bill. If the first payment is not made within the period prescribed, the entire amount becomes due immediately. 1988, c. 84, s. 315; 2006, c. 54, s. 2. (Education Act)
Section 317: No school service centre may waive the payment of school taxes or interest, except where an owner’s annual tax bill is for an amount under $2.00. 1988, c. 84, s. 317; 2019, c. 5, s. 14; 2020, c. 1, s. 312 (Education Act)
Section 325: and following: Recovery of school taxes.


The file numbers and reference numbers are related to the property, not the owner.
If you are a new owner and we have not been informed of the change of ownership, the bill may be in the name of the former owner. This does not dismiss your obligation to pay the school taxes for the property.
If you are the owner but have a different postal address from the last school tax bill emission, it is your responsibility to inform School Board’s Tax Department as soon as possible to ensure that your file is up-to-date.
If you are the owner but have not received your school tax bill in September, it is your responsibility to communicate with the Tax Department as soon as possible.

Any delay in payment due to the owner not having informed the Tax Department of a change will incur interest fees if the bill has not been paid according to the established calendar.

Change of Ownership

The new owner must pay this bill before the due date even if it is addressed to the previous owner in order to avoid paying interest charges. If you are not the owner of the immoveable for which this bill has been issued, please forward this bill to the new owner or return it to us.

English School Board Taxpayers are:
a) Parents with a child attending a school from an English school board; or
b) A taxpayer who chooses to pay their taxes to an English school board.

However, where owners have children admitted to both French and English school boards, taxes are paid to both school boards on a portion of the assessment value corresponding to the ratio between the number of students admitted to that school board and the number of students admitted to a school board. For example, if the owner has a child in an English school and another in a French school, he/she will be billed 50% of the assessment value by each school board.

Business hours: Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Taxation rate: The tax rate and interest rate has been set by the Government of Québec through Law 3 Rates are the same for all school boards. This year’s tax rate is 0.09152$. The interest rate is 10%
The tax base period is held from July 1 to June 30 inclusively.

It is important that in the event a property owner does not receive his/her school taxation bill(s), he/she must contact the taxation office to ensure the accuracy of their mailing address.

For Additional Information

To find out more about your tax bill, you may contact us at: