Learn To Speak French
French is the official and most commonly used language in Quebec. It is the language of public institutions, work, education, communications, commerce and business. French is also a common symbol of belonging and participation in Quebec society.
To learn or improve your knowledge of French, visit Learning to Speak French on Québec.ca.
This is the only point of access to French language learning services for:
– people aged 16 and over on July 1 preceding the application for admission and living in Quebec:
– immigrants;
– Canadian by birth;
– workers in companies who wish to receive these services;
– people planning to settle in Quebec.
Quebec government French courses are free of charge. Financial assistance is also available to eligible individuals under certain conditions.
French courses are offered:
– full-time or part-time
– in class or by distance learning;
– in all regions of Quebec.
There are also course formulas:
– entirely online or via distance learning;
– specialized by field of employment;
– in the workplace.
Our school board is a proud partner of the Quebec government in offering French language training services:
– part-time/full-time;
– beginner, intermediate or advanced levels;
– in the workplace;
– specialized by field of employment.
To register, visit Learning to Speak French.